Large annual workshops

Workshop 1  – 2014

The first transdisciplinary workshop was led in May 2014, in the form of a world café. Its objective was to create an interaction between the project researchers and the societal actors, with the view to co-construct the key research questions that would be addressed in the project. It gathered around 40 participants and it was organized around two main research topics: policy issues and organizational features of transition initiatives. For each topic, 4 key concepts were selected to guide the discussion. There were 6 discussion tables (2 pure French speaking, 2 pure Dutch speaking, 2 mixed).

Workshop 2 – 2015

In November 2015, the second transdisciplinary workshop of the Food4sustainability project was organized in Louvain‐la‐Neuve with about 60 social actors and researchers involved in or studying short food chains dynamics in Belgium. The selection of the themes to be discussed and the organization of this meeting – which also included a ‘world café’ – had been prepared in the course of the past 12 months by the transdisciplinary pilot group.

This meeting was part of wider work dynamics – in September 2015 a first meeting had already been organized on the topic of the short food chain in Walloon Brabant in collaboration with the “Maison du Développement Durable”.

The objective of the workshop was to identify avenues to be further studied at the next transdisciplinary workshop in April 2016.

  •  Working document «Projet pilote de recherche partenariale LPTransition (UCL) – acteurs sociaux sur les circuits courts durables»  and agenda of the workshop (in French): BRAIN-Food4Sustainability-Deliverable-2.3

Workshop 3 – 2016

The third transdisciplinary workshop was organised in April 2016, in the frame of the LPTransition co‐creation forum. Prior to this, a preparatory mission was conducted in the Drôme valley with an interdisciplinary team of researchers. This destination was chosen because transition processes have been demonstrated to take place there. A 4‐day workshop on transition processes involving local actors was organised there and allowed identifying a set of research questions (cf report) [Lien hypertexte vers le rapport de de Schutter et al] which were  then discussed and deepened with Belgian actors and other researchers during the LPTransition forum. The discussion was organised in 2 thematic groups (‘Changing diets and social justice’ and ‘Governance of food systems and territorial dynamics’) which gathered respectively 37 and 22 people.

Workshops  – 2018

In 2018, the results of the project will be disseminated and discussed at 2 events: the Short Supply Chain Conference organised in Leuven by KU Leuven and Rikolto on May 3 and the  EU Food and Farming Forum organised in Brussels by IPES-Food on May 29-30.